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12th International Culinary Competition of Southern Europe

The International Culinary Competition of Southern Europe is organized every two years by Culinary Professionals Greece, in collaboration with TIF HELEXPO SA and is supported by the Worldchefs. It is organized in the framework of the Detrop food and beverage expo. 

The 12th International Culinary Competition of Southern Europe will be held from February 17th to 20th, 2023 in the context of the exhibitions Detrop & Oenos in Thessaloniki, Greece. This year’s competition includes 27 different categories based on the rules, regulations and judging criteria as specified by Worldchefs. 

The 2019 competition has gathered more than 540 participants from 22 countries, outstanding Chefs and Culinary Schools, that competed in 30 categories and were evaluated by 23 international jury members, all well-known professionals in gastronomic arts. At the 10th International Culinary Competition of Southern Europe, it was hosted Mr Thomas A. Gugler, President of the Worldchefs. 

The International Culinary Competition of Southern Europe is a unique opportunity to improve competitiveness while, at the same time, it offers an educational and creative platform to Chefs from all over the world. Meanwhile, it is a meeting point for culinary professionals and a chance for a special tasting experience! 

Here you may find further information about the rulebook and the entry forms.

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